The AACE Australian Section webinar was held on Thursday, 22nd October 2020 at 7:30pm AEDT (4:30pm AWST).
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How to manage complexity in capital projects
By Matthew Winchur
Delivery Portfolio Manager, Operational Assurance & Performance – Lendlease
The word complexity is becoming one of the most overused words to describe the root cause of underperformance in large capital projects. It can be a difficult term for a managing team to react to, as it can mean different things depending on the situation. Is it the volume of change, the time pressures, or the unique technical challenges which need intervention?
This presentation investigates how the academic field of complexity can be practically applied to large capital projects. The focus will be on how ther term can be broken down into a useful set of attributes which can then be used to create an enterprise framework to recognise and manage complexity.