The AACE Australian Section held this webinar on Thursday, 27th August 2020 at 7:30pm.

To view this webinar please go to

Schedule Risk Assessment During Bid Phase:

Case Study: New Soccer Stadium

Presentation by Alberto Sanchez BEng, MSc Log, MIntBus, GradCertEnSt

Abstract: The construction sector is notorious for complex projects with high risk exposure. Historically a high percentage of large construction projects experience significant delays. Often poor planning and risk analysis during the bid phase are a root cause of why projects are late. Fortunately, more contractors recognize that conducting schedule risk analysis as part of the planning process is essential to maximize the chance for a successful project. A case study is presented to illustrate how risks and uncertainties can impact bid schedules, develop appropriate risk treatment plans and schedule contingency leading to more reliable schedules.

Key Words: quantitative risk analysis, deterministic schedules, risk-adjusted schedules, schedule contingency

AACE International Recommended Practices

  • 57R-09, Integrated Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis using risk drivers and Monte Carlo Simulation
  • 52R-06, Time Impact Analysis as applied in construction
  • 44R-08, Risk Analysis and Contingency Determination Using Expected Value
  • 65R-11, Integrated Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis and Contingency Determination
  • 63R-11, Risk Treatment 
  • 84R-13: Planning and Accounting for adverse weather 

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