Australia Section Activities

AACEI – UAE Section has well defined Bylaws to act upon. Section activities are governed by AACE International and Section has commitments to report the HQ on a regular basis for the activities and events in the Section’s territory that is in the United Arab Emirates.

Board Formation:

  • Announcement, Elections and Appointment of Board (Each Board with One Year Tenure)

Social Responsibility

  • Interface with Academic Institutions
  • Being in Touch with Local Industries
  • Working Hands in Hands with Peer Professional Groups

Members Support:

  • Conducting Monthly Technical Events
  • Certification Exam Preparatory Courses
  • Technical Training and Workshops in Cost Management & Related areas
  • Annual Conferences
  • Co-Hosting Technical Sessions with Vendors and Peer Associations
  • Corporate Sponsored Seminars
  • Periodic News Letters and Announcements
  • Issue of Certificates for Continued Education Hours
  • Social Events Limited to AACEI Members